Creating / Editing an Event

New Events can be created by clicking Create New Event from the dashboard, and they can be viewed/edited by Clicking View next to the name of the event in the list. Creating a new event will prompt you to enter the event details. These can be edited once created.

In this Guide

Event Overview

When viewing an event you can edit the details of the event, customise the Gallery and Microsite, see recent sessions, and view your Event Data.

Event Details

To edit the event details, click on Customize next to Event Details. Here you change the event details, plus get your EventKite Gallery link and ID, and customize the 404 Page Not Found Settings.

The Event Name, Description also appear on the gallery and microsite designs, if enabled. These can be over written in the Gallery and Microsite design if required.

Event Date

Set the date of your event. This is currently not being used for anything, but will be useful in future updates.

Event URL

This the URL to the Gallery of all images.

EventKite ID

The EventKite ID is automatically created, but can be changed to your requirements. For example you could change it to: steve-jess-wedding

The EventKite ID is also used for linking events to photo booths.

See guide on Linking Events.

The Gallery Sessions shows a list of all sessions that have been uploaded to an event. The list will show the sessions Unique ID, date and time it was captured, the App that was used, the Device name and the number of files in the session. Clicking on the View button next to each session will take you to that sessions microsite.


You can export the sessions to a csv file by pressing the Export button


You can delete sessions either individually by pressing the delete button at the end of the session, or select multiple sessions and press the Delete button towards the top left corner of the list.

Show / Hide

You can show / hide sessions either individually by pressing the show/hide button or by selecting multiple sessions and pressing the Show/Hide button towards the top left of the list.